Debris Management

Retain or divert floating debris.

Steel Booms Are Stronger.

Plastic booms will not retain debris in situations where there are large amounts of coarse debris in tandem with high currents.

Resist Debris AND Ice

In rivers where there is ice present, permanent steel booms will resist the ice while still retaining the debris.

Little To No Maintenance

Steel booms typically require very little to no maintenance for 25 years, depending on the environment it’s in.

Designed Right For The Conditions.

Every Geniglace Boom is designed and engineered for its specific purpose and surrounding environmental conditions.

Debris Management

Debris management services are crucial for maintaining clean and safe waterways and environments, especially after natural disasters or in areas with high debris accumulation. This service involves the removal of both natural and man-made debris, such as fallen trees, construction waste, and plastic pollutants, to prevent hazards to navigation, reduce contamination risks, and support aquatic ecosystem health. By using specialized equipment and techniques, debris management helps restore and maintain the natural flow and cleanliness of water bodies.


A few of our Debris Management Projects.

La Romaine

La Romaine

Permanent Debris Booms designed, constructed and deployed for Hydro Quebec’s La Romaine-2 Project.

Ice Resistant Debris Booms

Ice Resistant Debris Booms

Ice-resistant debris and safety booms designed and installed as part of the Eastmain project in Quebec.

James Bay

James Bay

Designed and constructed on the Rupert River upstream of a spillway and a 2.9 km long Transfer Tunnel on the Lemare River.

Contact Us

Give us a call or email to discuss our products and services. Our engineers are available to discuss your new and existing projects.